

There are various opportunities for you as parents to participate in our school:

Class council - School council - School conference

All parents of pupils in a class form the class council.

At the beginning of the school year, the class council elects a chairperson and a deputy from among its members. The class council serves to promote cooperation between parents, teachers and pupils.

The tasks of the chairperson/deputy chairperson of the class council include

  • Spokesperson and representative of parents' interests
  • Organization of parental involvement in school and class activities

Together, the chairpersons of the class committees form the voting members of the school committee, in which the head teacher and deputy chairpersons of the class committee participate in an advisory capacity.

The tasks of the school council include

  • Representation of the interests of all parents
  • Election of the chairperson of the school board
  • Election of parent representatives for the school conference
  • Consultation on motions and decisions for the school conference

The school conference is the school's highest co-determination body. The school conference has 6 or 12 members, depending on the number of pupils in the elementary school. The prescribed ratio for the distribution of seats in the school council must be observed (teachers/parents 1:1). The school conference is chaired by the principal as a member of the school conference. The permanent representative of the principal participates in the school conference in an advisory capacity.

The tasks of the school conference include

  • Advice on the educational work of the school
  • Making binding decisions, e.g. on the school program, introduction of learning materials, school events, determination of flexible vacation days

We would be delighted if you could find the time to take part in our school life and support us. There are also numerous opportunities to get involved outside of the committees, for example in the form of practical support as part of the school fruit program, accompanying class excursions, helping with class and school festivals, supporting cycling training, supporting club activities, being a member of the support association, ...

We would like to see trusting cooperation between parents and school. It is the basis for successful learning.