Children cook for children

What is a supply chain? Supply chain is a technical term. This term describes what is involved in making a product from start to finish. Products are, for example, chocolate, a toy or an item of clothing.

Supply chains can be problematic. There are many stages within a supply chain and many people work to ensure that we can buy a product here. This happens all over the world. This can lead to problems. There can be very unpleasant things behind the manufacture and supply chain of a product, such as the exploitation of people or the destruction of our environment. Many animals are also kept in very poor conditions and suffer suffering.

The children of the Fairtrade AG did a lot of research on this topic to find out how good the labels on our food actually are. To do this, they used the website "". In its evaluation, the website also takes into account the transportation routes and the amount of energy a product consumes before it reaches the retailer.

We wanted to use the seals because they are fair and help people," explains one pupil. In order to cook not only fairly but also sustainably, the children looked for labels that are also good for nature when buying products.

In order to cook a menu for over 100 people, the children of the Fairtrade AG had to do a lot of preparation. For example, they got an overview of the goods with the seal in the nearby retail trade and met several times with the cooks from the Lindenschule. "Without the good ideas from Ms. Tieke and Ms. Hoge, it wouldn't have worked out so well," all members of the working group agree. "We had rosemary potatoes with quark dip and brownies with a secret ingredient for dessert," grins Mia, "the secret ingredient was beans. But almost everyone enjoyed it."

In the canteen, the smell of fresh rosemary from the Linden School's herb bed filled the air all day long. "I mixed the potatoes with my hands, it was cold, but I enjoyed it," Lana remembers. "The cooking was really good. I was able to taste the curd cheese in between and I thought it was good that so many children liked it," says Mia. "I was a bit nervous when I explained to the children why we were cooking here," says one pupil. The other AG children agree. They are all proud of their achievement and relieved that it worked out so well.

The Lindenschule team is also enthusiastic about the campaign and would like to thank Stina Neumann, who is in charge of the Fairtrade AG.

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