12/10/2024 A great surprise12/10/2024On St. Nicholas Day, a few lovely elves also came to the Lindenschule.Learn more
12/10/2024 Parents' café on the theme of winter and Christmas12/10/2024On Friday, 29.11.2024, a craft activity on the theme of "Winter and Christmas" was on the ...Learn more
12/10/2024 Bishop Nicholas visits the Linden School12/10/2024The first graders of the Linden School welcomed a very special day on December 6.Learn more
12/10/2024Dental healthworking group The dental health working group visits the Lindenschule12/10/2024In the past few days, Ms. Sicking from the Borken district's dental health working group has once again been ...Learn more
11/18/2024Readingaloud day "Reading aloud creates the future"11/18/2024... was the motto of the nationwide Read Aloud Day on November 15, 2024. Also in the ...Learn more
11/13/2024Lanternfestival Bright faces at the lantern festival at Linden School11/13/2024In November, the Linden School community traditionally celebrates a big lantern festival. ...Learn more
11/04/2024lantern festival Preparations for the lantern festival11/04/2024Cheerful lantern songs have been ringing out in the Linden School for many days now. All classes practise the ...Learn more
10/10/2024Disputeresolution Peace Bridge as a method of dispute resolution10/10/2024With the Peace Bridge, we have added another element to promote social skills and ...Learn more
10/02/2024city ofgronau Open Day at the Integration Team10/02/2024On Wednesday, 02.10.2024, class 4b gained exciting insights into the daily work of the ...Learn more