reading aloud day

"Reading aloud creates the future"

Chief Superintendent Meyer visited Year 1. The children were really looking forward to this special guest, whom they already knew from the bicycle check and lantern festival. The first graders enjoyed listening to the exciting police stories and also learned a lot about the police's areas of responsibility. Mr. Meyer not only inspired the children with the beautiful stories he read to the classes. He also answered the many questions from the young listeners with great patience.

For class 2a, the chairwoman of the Linden School's school care team, Ms. Gallner, took the time to read to the children. The second graders enjoyed the stories "Mail for Hermann" and "The little mole who wanted to know who hit him on the head".

In the school library, the pupils of class 2b listened with enthusiasm to the story of "Conni and the lost dragon", which was read to them by Ms. Gojzewska.

The children of the third year were read the stories "The Twelve Months" and "The Elves" in Arabic and German. Ms. Albatesh took on the role of reader, which the pupils were very pleased about.

Otto Lohle, who has long been a committed supporter of our school community in the area of reading promotion, accepted the invitation from the fourth grade to read to the pupils from the book "Behind Enchanted Windows". The girls and boys in the fourth grade listened spellbound to his presentation.

Reading to the children was a great pleasure for everyone involved. Many thanks to all those who helped to make this special experience possible for the pupils of the Lindenschule.

We continue to call on all families to make reading aloud a regular part of everyday life at home. Reading aloud is not only a wonderful shared experience. Reading aloud also gets children excited about language and other worlds of thought and awakens their desire to read. Reading aloud also promotes fundamental skills that are of central importance for a child's development. Vocabulary is increased, the ability to concentrate is improved and imagination and creativity are encouraged.

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